The BC547C is an NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT) encapsulated in a standard TO-92 package. It is capable of handling a collector current up to 100mA, making it suitable for a variety of low-power applications. This transistor can endure collector-to-emitter voltages of up to 45V, providing versatility in different electronic circuit designs. A notable feature of the BC547C is its high current gain, with an hFE (current amplification factor) ranging from 420 to 800. This high gain makes it especially effective for applications requiring substantial current amplification. The BC547C is commonly used in general-purpose amplification and switching tasks, particularly in scenarios where low current and moderate voltage levels are involved. Its TO-92 package is a widely adopted through-hole design, known for its ease of integration into electronic assemblies. The BC547C is frequently employed in audio amplifiers, signal processing circuits, and control systems where reliable and efficient amplification is required.