The PN2222A is an NPN bipolar junction transistor (BJT) encased in a TO-92 package. It's designed to handle a collector current of up to 600 milliamperes (mA) and can withstand voltages up to 40 volts, with a current gain (hFE) of 40. This transistor is widely used in various electronic applications for switching and amplification.
Transistor Type (NPN): The PN2222A is an NPN transistor, which requires a positive voltage at its base relative to the emitter to allow current flow from the collector to the emitter. NPN transistors are commonly used in electronic circuits for signal amplification and as switch controllers.
Package (TO-92): The TO-92 package is a standard, small-size plastic package used for low-power transistors. It's favored for its ease of handling and soldering on circuit boards.
Collector Current (600mA): With a maximum collector current rating of 600mA, the PN2222A can control a moderate level of current, suitable for driving small to medium-sized loads in electronic circuits.
Voltage Rating (40V): The voltage rating of 40 volts indicates the maximum voltage the PN2222A can handle between its collector and emitter when the transistor is off, making it suitable for a range of low to medium-voltage applications.
Current Gain (40hFE): The current gain, or hFE, of 40 indicates the transistor's efficiency in amplifying the input signal. It means the collector current is 40 times the base current under certain conditions.
Applications: The PN2222A is versatile for use in various applications, including signal amplification in audio devices, power regulation in electronic circuits, and as a switch in digital devices. It's also commonly used in DIY electronic projects and consumer electronics.
Features: NPN transistors like the PN2222A are known for their efficiency in amplifying and controlling electrical signals. They are key components in both analog and digital circuits where moderate power handling is required.
The PN2222A NPN transistor, with its specifications of 600mA collector current, 40V voltage rating, and 40hFE in a TO-92 package, is a popular choice for a wide range of electronic applications, offering reliable performance in both amplification and switching functions.